
Showing posts from July, 2018

Film #7: Corpse Bride (2005)

Introduction Corpse Bride (2005, Mike Johnson and Tim Burton) The purpose of this essay is to identify the characteristics of German Expressionism in the film, “Corpse Bride” by Tim Burton. Theory Discussion German Expressionism was an early 20 th century German art movement that highlights the artist’s inner feelings or ideas over replicating reality. It is a film style that emerged into Germany from 1919-1926. It consists of numerous creative movements before World War I that reached a peak in Berlin during the 1920s. It is heavily influenced by Vincent van Gogh, Edvard Munch, and El Greco. According to Alissa Darsa (2013), expressionists were less concerned with producing pleasing compositions as they were creating powerful reactions to their work using bright, clashing colors, flat shapes, and gestural marks or brushstrokes. Expressionism was not limited to painting but was manifest in literature, architecture of Scandinavian, dance, painting, sculpture and cinema.   I

Film #6: Bicycle Thieves (1948)

Introduction Bicycle Thieves (1948, Vittorio De Sica) The purpose of this essay is to identify the traits of Italian Neorealism in the film, “Bicycle Thieves” by Vittorio De Sica. Theory Discussion According to Daniela (n.d.), Italian Neorealism is a style of film with the characteristics of stories set among the poor and working class, filmed on the spot of the location, and frequently using unprofessional actors. Italian neorealist films deal with the difficult economic and moral conditions of post-World War II in Italy. It also reflects the changes in the conditions of everyday life which are poverty, pessimism, and desperation. According to Bordwell and Thompson (2013), Italian Neorealism is one of the most influential movements in the film industry. In 1922, Benito Mussolini seized power and Italian cinema was used as a form of a propaganda, educating Italians with documentaries and newsreels. The motion picture industry had created massive historical epics and senti

Film #5: In The Mood For Love (2000)

Introduction In the Mood for Love (2000, Wong Kar Wai) The purpose of this essay is to analyse the traits of French Impressionism found in this film. Theory Discussion According to Meglio (2016), French Impressionism or French impressionist cinema is also referred as the first avant-garde or narrative avant-garde which is a term applied to a group of French films and filmmakers working from 1918-1929. Film scholars had faced difficulties in defining this movement or deciding whether it should be considered as a movement at all. According to Bordwell and Thompson (2013), World War I struck a serious blow to the French film industry.The film explores psychological causes; gives narration considerable consciousness, concerns mental states, dreams or fantasies. It also manipulates the plot time and subjectivity, for example, showing flashback or memories. There is also visual depiction of mental states via cinematography and editing. For example, the use of irises, superimpositi

Film #4: Paranorman (2012)

Paranorman (2012, Sam Fell and Chris Butler) The purpose of this essay is to analyze the genres used in the film, "Paranorman" and to discuss the theories used in this film. Hybrid genre is also known as cross genre which is when a fiction film contains several different genres. There are two elements in this genre which are regressive and progressive. According to Jo (2011), regressive is a text that attempts to take on "original" elements to a genre resisting change that has already happened within the genre and attempting to go back to the earlier state, while progressive is a text created by combining aspects of different genres It is usually an attempt to be original but blending in the elements. Films such as Sweeney Todd, Avatar, Bridget Jones and etc are categorized in the hybrid genre. Postmodernism is a broad movement that makes its departure from modernism. Postmodernism exists because filmmakers feel skeptical or reject towards the ideologies of mod